Project and permission

Quality solution

Project making

To the clients for whom we do production, we can offer the services of project development and obtaining a permit to place an advertisement. After agreeing on the design, the project is drawn up, which is necessary for obtaining a permit to place an advertisement.


Projects comply with technical standards and procedures for obtaining permits. With us, you get a professionally made project as the highest quality solution, at a minimal price. The project of a light advertisement for obtaining a permit has been certified in all elements by licensed engineers and contains: architectural-construction project, static calculation, electric project and technical control.

Obtaining permits and accompanying consents is necessary for new elements of visual communication and for the legalization of existing ones. According to current regulations, the project is available in 3 printed copies and in electronic form on 3 CDs with an electronic certificate. Obtaining permission to place advertisements is done on the basis of a project that contains all the necessary documentation.

Our service for obtaining permissions for placing advertisements includes: drafting the project, obtaining all prescribed consents from the competent institutions, completing the documentation required for submitting the application for obtaining the permit, submitting the project and the application for the issuance of the permit to the competent institutions, following the procedure until the final decision.
Conditions, authority for granting consent and permits depend on the location. If the object is located in a protected core, the conditions and consent of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments are required first. For consoles and advertisements larger than 2m2, permits for advertisements are approved by the City Secretariat for Traffic. Permits for advertisements up to 2m2 are approved by the Municipality. For some cases, it is necessary to obtain EDB conditions/consent.
Microsoft svetleća reklama

Necessary conditions

The price of obtaining permits

The price of the service of obtaining a permit does not depend on the dimensions of the advertisement, but on the type and whether it is illuminated, the number of advertising means on the object, complexity, construction. Each object/advertising element is different and we usually give a price for each individual case: roof signs, totems, LED displays on gas station canopies.

Check out our PROJECTS