Maintenance and repair
Your image is most important
Logistics support
Invest in your image instead of expensive penalties. Besides the impact on your image, significance of signs funcionality is also a matter of legal legislations, which requires owners of the signs to provide its’ tidy appearance and proper work.

The same legislations stipulate high penalties for non-compliance. The ammounts of penalties in Belgrade range up to 500.000 din. for the legal entity and up to 25.000 din. for the responsible person in the legal entity. However, even after penalties payment, the problem has not been solved! Regular maintenance, including cleaning and repair could be a matter of contract for signage or a subject of separate contract. Models for maintenance services could be set as »Flat rate model« or »On call model«.

»Flat rate model« is based on regular review, cleaning and repair in accordance with pre-defined schedule and fees. Payment mode is on monthly bases.
»On call model« is based on providing maintenance and repair on call and invoicing per each survey on the object in accordance with current price list of elements, sets and services.
ELITAS is active around Serbia on daily basis, but we also provided logistic support through our network of partners, which shortens our response time to minimum and is an advantage for the both models of cooperation.
We provide a guarantee for our products and built-in elements, and within the guarantee period we eliminate any defects at our own expense. Outside the warranty period, we provide spare parts and service.

Warranty on Elitas products
Spare parts and repair
The advantages of the "Flat-rate model" that you can expect from contracting maintenance and repair services with ELITAS are as follows:
Lower maintenance and repair costs–you will get better price for complete service in comparison with separate contracting because we are in a position to plan our activities in advance and to reduce costs.
Safety and guarantee–working with professionals with 27 years long experience you will provide products safe for use and proper work for longer period. Guarantee period for the repaired signs is from 6 to 12 months.
Time and money saving–you don’t have to think about proper work of your signs anymore, about which repairer to engage and ask for offers each time.
This kind of services contracting is usually yearly based. After that period, we review contract terms and revise if necessary and there is a mutual consent.